Thursday, July 23, 2009

Strange Lucid Dream

I am not trying to make any predictions here; I just wish to report a very lucid dream.

This morning I woke up around 4.30am and for the next 2 hours just dozed. It was sometime during those two hours that I had a very lucid dream. I was in an unfamiliar city; the sky seemed very dull yet only had a scattered cloud cover. It was probably close to twilight as it appears to be just after sunset. I felt lost as though I couldn't find my way, everything was unfamiliar to me. I looked up at the horizon of the city and could see in the distance first one then two large cloudlike formations which had multiple little mushroom clouds rising out of each one. I had the overwhelming feeling - this is it! Then I woke up! I pondered for a while and dismissed it falling back into a light sleep, this time it wasn't like a dream because I could swear I heard an audible voice say to me - not for another week! Almost simultaneously I saw a date which I can't remember clearly yet I feel it was in the first week of August and I am pretty sure I also saw a time showing around 6:53pm.

Ok, it was just a dream I guess but I don't normally have this type of dream - it seemed out of the blue! So just in case there is anything to it, I thought I'd post it for records sake!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

For now we see through a glass, darkly

The title comes from Paul the apostle 1 Corinthians 13 KJV. I believe it to be a reference to our understanding and inability to see the future clearly.

Today I coined a phrase that embraces this problem - Hindsight gives us a perfect vision of our future!

Considering hindsight is always 20:20 vision, when we are able to embrace it and learn, we can also look ahead with confidence.

As always, we have no control over the circumstances that befall us, however, we have FULL control over how we react to them!