Wednesday, November 30, 2022

You Reap What You Sow.


I often will be prompted by negative events caused by others to open my mouth and speak my mind! But I hold my tongue and ask myself the question – as you reap what you sow, do I REALLY want to sow this seed?
Some may view my nonresponse as weakness and a mat to be trodden underfoot!
That’s their prerogative, because in the end – I know that they also will reap what they sow! 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Friday, November 25, 2022

Lessons in Humility and Humanity


I often despair at the human race, we seem all too often to be arrogant, superior, and above the rest of the creatures we share this beautiful world with. However, the lessons we can learn from them are often what gives our humanity meaning and purpose!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The State of Being - Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love is an Eternal state of being; it always has been and always will be. It’s up to every individual when or if they decide to immerse themselves in its Loving Embrace and for how long they wish to stay. It will never hold you by force nor will it ever reject you and you can be sure that every moment you spend there will be a moment of sublime bliss! 💗

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Random Acts

 A random act of Love is like an ember that has the potential to ignite a raging wildfire. Let the fire of Love in you’re hearts glow to warm the hearts and light the paths of those around you. 💞

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Terminal Reality



It is the realisation that reality is the illusion of self!

Is then self real or an illusion?

Stop looking in the mirror! The mirror shows only the illusion.  To see self is to look upon eternity.  You are one and infinite in the same breath.  Be ALL that you ARE!  But above all - be peace and love, for these are paramount, for these determine the frequency of YOUR existence!

For creation to be real – it must have a beginning, therefore, it must also have an end. The simple act of this observation reveals creation to be the illusion that it is!

So, what is TERMINAL REALITY?  It is but a temporal illusion or virtual experience!

 In the last few nights I have been having apocalypic dreams.  A couple of nights ago it was tsunamis and last night it was nuclear war.  I feel that something is getting very close to going down worldwide.

This life experience is but a moment.


 True Fellowship is NOT spending time in the company of another; rather True Fellowship is when the TWO or more are ONE! The GREATEST Fellowship is when the TWO or more are ONE in the mind and spirit of Unconditional Love!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The harmony of synergy is what mankind has lost in his relationship with Mother Earth! Mother Earth keeps giving and humankind won't be satisfied until she has nothing left to give - only then will they shed a tear of regret for thier Mother but alas, it will be too late!

Friday, November 18, 2022

 Spiritual light and enlightenment are merely what is perceived when the Spirit of Love radiates and shines from the soul's heart! It is the Harmonic Resonance that unifies all likeminded souls irrespective of physical or dimensional location. ❤

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

 As Finite as each Moment is - so it is also Infinite! There is NO 'Final Frontier'!

 When asked - What is the opposite of Love? Most will answer automatically - Hate! I disagree with this as both are passions. While it does appear that Love and Hate are diametrically opposed, I believe that the opposite of both Love and Hate is the same - Apathy! Why? Because to Hate, you have to care and Love is the personification of caring. Whereas Apathy just doesn't care at all either way