Friday, November 12, 2010


Don't regret yesterday - rather learn from it! Don't fret about tomorrow it hasn't happened yet! Just take each moment as it comes NOW and make the best of it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thought of the day – There is no duty or obligation in Love because where Love’s driving force is Pure and Unconditional – duty and obligation become superfluous! Where our life or faith, whatever it may be, is driven by Love – duty and obligation are overthrown by Love’s joy of giving and sharing!

In considering the above, I believe in life it's not what you do or don't do but rather why! What motivates us? On the surface, the actions and results may appear the same and some would say - what does it matter? It is said that every tree is known by its fruits and the same applies here. We will either stand or fall - not on what we have or haven't done but rather on what moves us to action or abstinence! In this life and the next, may we all enjoy the harvest of the fruits of Love. Jeff ♥☺