Thursday, July 31, 2014


You CANNOT Teach Respect!
Respect that is taught, commanded or enforced
Only leads to Contempt!
Anyone in authority
Whether they be a teacher, a minister, a parent
Including ALL so called leaders,
Have already FAILED in their task

If they feel they need to teach or enforce Respect!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bring Purpose to Your Life!

From the moment that we draw our first breath, our last breath has been preordained!  It is neither our First breath nor our Last breath that is important – Rather, it is what we do in between that counts!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Majority can't be wrong! Or Can They?

Numbers don’t phase me!  It is better that a handful understands, knows and teaches the truth rather than millions that accept and believe the lie!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


What is Channeling? Many believe that it is the ability to allow another being or entity to speak through you!  But is it?  Channeling is actually about allowing the Impulse of Spirit to move you!  Example – you are in Love and you express it!  You are actually expressing the Impulse of Love!  YOU are Channeling Love!  It is the same with any emotion positive or negative.  So what about information?  Spirit is Eternal and infinite irrespective of which Spirit it is.  So it becomes a matter of tuning in and simply asking the question!  Whichever Spirit you have chosen will provide you with the information!  As for me – I choose the Spirit of Unconditional Love AKA the Holy Spirit!  It has NEVER let me down!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Perfection is not about being the same 
As everyone else
Nor is it about measuring up to the Standards of another! 
Using either of these measures
Will leave you
Greatly disappointed and disillusioned
Rather perfection is about being completely YOU
And being TOTALLY True to Yourself. 
So pause and take a Deep Look at Yourself  
You Are PERFECT - Just as You Are!