Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love versus Lust

Love is an Unending source of giving  
Lust is an Unending source of taking! 

Love says
What can I do for you  
Whereas Lust says
What can you do for me?

Love says
You are perfect just the way you are
Whereas Lust says
With a few adjustments here and there, you’ll be a perfect match for me!

Lust may very well have its place but give me LOVE anytime!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Power of Love

When two Pure Hearts unit in LOVE – Heaven and Earth stand still and Time ceases to exist! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Commitment Versus Emotion

Relationships that are based on commitment are cold and uncaring as they rely on contractual agreement rather than feeling and emotion!  This may be OK in business but it has no place in interpersonal relationships – unless of course - that is what you are happy to settle for!

So if you desire an interpersonal relationship that will last – such as two souls in love – then let LOVE be the impulse that Unites you – NOT agreement!

I light of the above – is it any wonder that so many marriages fail?

Love UNCONDITIONALLY – you’ll be surprised just how liberating it is and how secure you feel! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Devil made me do it!

So it’s NOT your fault! 

After all – you ARE only human and as such – you were born in sin!  So you are unworthy and FULL of sin!  It’s ALL the Devil’s fault!  If it wasn’t for the Devil you would be perfect – right? 

Just a little wake up call for you………… is YOUR choice who you listen to and follow!  So spiritually speaking, if you are not where you want to be right now or are worried that you are unworthy of whatever – then it IS ALL your fault because the choices you made and make are yours and yours alone!

Blaming the Devil for your spiritual condition is like blaming the bottle shop for your alcoholism! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Is Unconditional Love just a door mat?

What exactly IS – Unconditional Love? Many believe that it is a door mat to wipe your dirty feet on!  Others believe that they can get away with murder and it’s ok because they are Loved Unconditionally, while others believe it is a bottomless pit for -  give me, give me, give me! 

Such thoughts and beliefs are so OFF base it’s almost funny! 

Is Unconditional Love a bottomless pit of blessing? YES!
Is Unconditional Love forever forgiving?  YES! 
And does Unconditional Love continually wipe the slate clean?  Absolutely! 

However, what most don’t seem to get is that for one to be a beneficiary of such Love, one  must first Love in KIND – forgive and you’ll be forgiven, give and you’ll receive, be prepared to cleanse others and you will be cleansed!  To all others, Unconditional Love remains a sealed vault of unlimited potential that they just don’t have access too! 

Why don’t they have access?

Because they haven’t yet figured out that the key to this vault is to Love Unconditionally or at least start to attempt such Loving – until one genuinely attempts such Loving AND perseveres in the face of adversity - the vault will remains locked to them!

Remember – a baby crawls before it attempts to walk and stumbles many times before it successfully takes even a few steps but it’s not long after that, that the toddler becomes a runner!  Just don’t give up, when your desire is pure and genuine, Unconditional Love will be there to catch you when you stumble!  

Friday, August 15, 2014

Unconditional Love

Most will argue that Unconditional Love cannot exist.  Yet, if there is even ONE soul who is capable of loving one OTHER soul UNCONDITIONALLY – then it most certainly does exist! Are there ANY Mothers or Fathers who love their babies, there little ones or their children UNCONDITIONALLY?  I KNOW there are………………. because I AM ONE of them!  If I CAN – then there are countless others who do as well!

So Unconditional Love DOES exist and now the question remains – can we have such a Love for a Neighbour or a Stranger?  I cannot answer this question for you, I can only leave you to ponder this and answer it for yourself as I must also do for myself!

Arise and Shine

Children of Light take heart – there is no darkness so deep, thick or all encompassing that it can resist even the smallest flickering flame!  In the darkness that seems everywhere today, your Light – no matter how small it may appear – WILL prevail! So be bold and SHINE! 

A Moment of Change

Can a single, indefinable moment change the world forever? Of course it can and every single moment is a moment of Eternal Change! The direction of that change is always Your Choice!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Don't Stress - be Happy!

As I become aware of each moment, I also become aware of the Eternity that has gone before it and the Eternity that is yet to come. So if I can step back for that moment and realise that whether the moment brings joy or sorrow, pain or well-being, as have all the infinite moments that have come before and the infinite moments that are yet to come - this moment too shall pass! So in essence, all my regrets for the past, all my fears for the future and my stress over the moment that is - are ALL in in vain. So why Stress - just be Happy for the experience! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014


There’s no point in jumping in to save a drowning soul unless you know how to swim yourself and know at least the basics of how to save a soul from drowning!  Without these two prerequisites, both of you will probably drown! <3 :="" o:p="">

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Do YOU take God's name in vain?

It is said that God is Love – more specifically – the Spirit of Unconditional Love!  To say – “I Love you” and not mean it with EVERY fibre of your being is the same as Taking God’s Name in Vain!  Think about it!   

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Love and Charity

To Labour in Love is no Labour at all but rather Joy in Love!
To Sacrifice out of Love is no Sacrifice at all but rather a Gift of Love!

True Charity is 'Love in Action' but Charity without Love is merely a business! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

What does God look like Daddy?

What is the size of God and what does God look like?  To bring these questions into the realm of our experience and comprehension, I’ll ask rather – what is the size of Love and what does Love look like?

Now while you are pondering that, here’s a true little story. A 3 year old boy asked his father – Daddy, what does God look like?  His father answered with a question – What does Love look like?  The small child instantly answered – Cuddles and Kisses!  His father responded – well that’s what God looks like!  The small child was totally satisfied by this answer.

Now to return to the original questions – answer for yourselves the questions posed about Love and you will have your answer for the questions posed about God.  Don’t over think it, rather think like a small child and you’ll be satisfied! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Gift of Love!

A gift of Love asks nothing in return except acceptance!  

Saturday, August 2, 2014

True Love

It is said that Love is blind
 But nothing could be further from the truth! 
True Love sees EVERYTHING – warts and all, as they say. 
However, True Love, aka Unconditional Love,

Is only interested in Loving you completely as you are – warts and ALL!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


You CANNOT Teach Respect!
Respect that is taught, commanded or enforced
Only leads to Contempt!
Anyone in authority
Whether they be a teacher, a minister, a parent
Including ALL so called leaders,
Have already FAILED in their task

If they feel they need to teach or enforce Respect!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bring Purpose to Your Life!

From the moment that we draw our first breath, our last breath has been preordained!  It is neither our First breath nor our Last breath that is important – Rather, it is what we do in between that counts!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Majority can't be wrong! Or Can They?

Numbers don’t phase me!  It is better that a handful understands, knows and teaches the truth rather than millions that accept and believe the lie!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


What is Channeling? Many believe that it is the ability to allow another being or entity to speak through you!  But is it?  Channeling is actually about allowing the Impulse of Spirit to move you!  Example – you are in Love and you express it!  You are actually expressing the Impulse of Love!  YOU are Channeling Love!  It is the same with any emotion positive or negative.  So what about information?  Spirit is Eternal and infinite irrespective of which Spirit it is.  So it becomes a matter of tuning in and simply asking the question!  Whichever Spirit you have chosen will provide you with the information!  As for me – I choose the Spirit of Unconditional Love AKA the Holy Spirit!  It has NEVER let me down!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Perfection is not about being the same 
As everyone else
Nor is it about measuring up to the Standards of another! 
Using either of these measures
Will leave you
Greatly disappointed and disillusioned
Rather perfection is about being completely YOU
And being TOTALLY True to Yourself. 
So pause and take a Deep Look at Yourself  
You Are PERFECT - Just as You Are!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Only a Truly Enlightened Soul 
Is able to see 
The Good in the Bad  
The Positive in the Negative 
The Light shining through the Darkness!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Maybe a weird dream and maybe not!

As I ponder writing the following, I have to pause as it seems rather ludicrous in the cold light of day, yet my experiences are too real and often to just dismiss this out of hand, so for what it's worth - here it is!

Over the years I have experienced many visitations ranging from being fully conscious and awake to thinking it was only a dream and finding out later that maybe it wasn't.  My usual visitations involve the same group of five beings appearing to be early to mid 20's and human, usually two females and three males.  I have come to know the two females and one of the males by name.  My experiences with them are always enjoyable, peaceful and loving.  They are not, however,  the only beings that I have had visitations from nor are my visitors always totally human in appearance but this group of five have by far been the most frequent.

A few nights ago it was a new group!  I had not yet fallen asleep when I felt the movement on my bed of another body. I opened my eyes to find two females, human looking, quite tall, at least as tall as me - I am 6'2" and maybe they were slightly taller!  Quite attractive, one dark haired and the other a little fairer.  The dark haired one introduced herself, however, I can't recall her name even though it wasn't that unusual.  They gave off a peaceful energy signature so I wasn't too alarmed.  I was told that they are part of an advanced party and that there 150 million to follow who were looking to resettle.  By now things started to go a little fuzzy and I felt them turn me over and insert something into my left side back around my kidney area.  I complained about the handling without permission and the discomfort to which the dark haired one responded that it was for my own good and not to worry!  (By now I would have dismissed this as a delusion or dream except that I told my son the next day and when he looked, there was indeed a mark and scab at the area concerned.  He photographed it for as I could not see it for myself).

Soon I was introduced to a group of tall large humans and one male who appeared to be their leader.  He told me their intention was resettlement by first purging the local inhabitants.  (Not so peaceful after all)!  I responded to this that his info was wrong and that it would not be necessary to purge as there was plenty of room for 150 million extras especially with their advanced tech which would mean they could exist in areas of the Earth which we currently can't inhabit.  This idea seem to appeal to him.  I believe that this meeting took place Off World and may have been the reason for whatever procedure the first two females did to me in my room!

This experience does continue but this was the gist of it and I will leave it there for now except to say that the dark haired female expressed concern for me apologizing for my apparent distress over the matter!

Can I guarantee that this was a real experience and not just delusional dream?  No I can't and I am not certain either way!  I did wake with a mark that wasn't there the previous day in the spot where I believe that I experienced some kind of procedure and my previous experiences have been too real to totally dismiss this as just a dream.  However, I also have experienced what I call screen memories which I believe are cover memories imposed to disguise an actual happening.

So I write this here merely as a record of experience - dream or otherwise!  Whether anyone reads this or not - I really don't care and if they do and think I am delusional -well that really doesn't bother me either.  It's an experience written for records sake and I am recording it here.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Let Love turn Despair into Joy

Do not give into despair!
Don’t let those who have hurt you -
The pleasure of knowing you care!
When a trusted friendship turns on you to bite -
Don’t let the attack on you become a blight!
Let the nature of Love from which friendship has sprung,
Spring again from your heart, til the hurt is undone.
And the friendship that’s true will be revealed -
When the Love that’s outpoured has bound and healed.
Do not give in to despair, I say -

And for you today will be another great day!