Jeff Schulte
A place where I can air some of the myriad of thoughts and feelings that affect me each day!
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Monday, December 11, 2023
To be at peace with everything and everyone around you, you must first be at peace with yourself!
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Faith versus Knowledge
It has been written –
Believe in Me and have Faith! But I say - Look to Yourself and KNOW!
Faith, by default, involves an element of Doubt.
Whereas -
In Knowledge there is no place for Doubt!
Monday, November 13, 2023
Moving Forward
Holding on to the past is like having an internal combustion engine without an exhaust - it doesn't matter how powerful it is, without an exhaust, you aren't going anywhere!
Saturday, November 11, 2023
When is a prayer NOT a prayer? When it is only words! When is a prayer TRULY a prayer? When it is raised from an impulse for which there are no words! Such prayers are Truly effectual!
Friday, November 10, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023
Timeline Slip - Mandela Effect!?
For those who have no idea what this is, it is the experience of changing timelines. These events have come to be known under the collective terminology as 'The Mandela Effect'.
This may happen on occasion and go totally unnoticed because there is so little difference between the timelines, hence, the experiencer has no frame of reference to register that such an event has occurred. However, every now and then, the glitch in the matrix IS noticed because something has changed that the individual can't readily explain - unless a shift has occurred in either time or dimension.
Such experiences I have had on several occasions throughout my life. Mostly, these events tend to return to the most recently travelled timeline and sometimes they don't.
Over the past few days, culminating today, I have had such an experience. Without going into detail, I placed an object, which was part of a tool, in a place where I knew it would be - an open and uncluttered position where I could easily see it and couldn't lose it. In fact, it was the ONLY object at that location. However, when I went to retrieve it a few hours later, it wasn't there! I triple-checked that location but to no avail, it just was not there!
Today, I happened to go to that location for another reason, having put the lost item out of my thoughts believing that I must have misplaced it, and so I considered it lost! I guess the reader will know what is coming next ...... There was my lost tool part - EXACTLY where I remember putting it several days ago! As no-one else had access to that area except me, I can only conclude that either I am losing my marbles, or I shifted in Time and Space with this being the only noticeable difference for me and now I am back to the most recent timeline I am on where I had originally placed the item in an unmissable spot.
Food for thought!